
Going Deeper Ac Valhalla Keys

Guides 4 Gamers Game Maps & Guides for Gamers.

Going Deeper… Assassin'due south Creed Valhalla Quest

Grouping: Ravensthorpe

Person: Valka

This quest starts afterward completing the "In Dreams…" quest. By completing this quest yous will be able to visit Jotunheim.

With one fix of dreams explored, it is fourth dimension to venture into the next.

Related points of interest

Icon of Cavern of Trials Cave of Trials England

Prior quests

To begin Going Deeper… you lot must first complete In Dreams….

Quest stages of Going Deeper…

1. Collect the plants for Valka'southward side by side potion

Valka will enquire you lot to collect the plants she needs to prepare another potion. In total you will demand to collect 3 x St. John's Wort and ii x Fireweed. You volition detect them all in Cent, north of the Dover Cliffs, inside a hidden cave - Cavern of Trials. The entrance to the cave is located within the house. You will discover a ladder there, which you lot can use to go downwardly to the caves.

Collect the plants for Valka's next potion

Collect the plants for Valka's next potion

In that location are more than plants in the caves than you demand. You can collect the necessary amount later on visiting a few early caves. You will find the start Fireweed in the starting time larger cavern...

Collect the plants for Valka's next potion

...and the next Fireweed in the passage to the next cavern.

Collect the plants for Valka's next potion

In the next cave you volition find two St. John's Worts.

Collect the plants for Valka's next potion

The final St. John's Wort is a bit further away. Return to the cave where you institute the start fireweed, jump into the tunnel below...

Collect the plants for Valka's next potion

...go forrard, pass through a cave with a wooden axle and platform,...

Collect the plants for Valka's next potion

...and y'all will eventually reach the place where the plant grows.

Collect the plants for Valka's next potion

Below you will find a video showing the whole Cavern of Trials where you can run into exactly where the plants are and how to reach them.

2. Bring the plants to Valka

Render to Valka in Ravensthorpe. Talk to her and she'll create some other potion which will permit yous to bring up another vision in which you lot can visit Jotunheim.

Bring the plants to Valka

three. Try the new potion

Drinkable the blueish potion that is on the table side by side to the potion you used to visit Asgard.

Try the new potion

You lot will fall comatose and beginning another vision in which you will travel to Jotunheim. Your first quest in this realm volition be the "Mistress of the Iron Wood" quest.

Try the new potion

When you complete the concluding of the quests in Jotunheim - "The Price of Wisdom" and leave this realm, you volition return to Valka's hut and tell her what happened there. This volition end this quest and you lot will receive another one in which yous will have to render to Asgard - "Spring to Fate".

Try the new potion

After completing Going Deeper… you volition get or will be able to get Bound to Fate.

Going Deeper Ac Valhalla Keys,


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