
How To Calculate Tylenol Dose By Weight

Tylenol (acetaminophen) is an over-the-counter (OTC) medicine that is ofttimes given to children of all ages to assistance manage pain or fever. Still, giving Tylenol to kids does have risks, including liver harm, overdose, and allergic reactions.

This article will explicate how to give Tylenol to children safely. You lot volition larn which type of Tylenol is safe to give kids. Yous will also acquire the advisable Tylenol dose for infants and children past age.

How to Administer Tylenol to Children

Verywell / JR Bee

Tylenol Dosage Computer for Infants and Children

Hither'southward how to figure out and give the correct dose of Tylenol to your kid:

  1. Measure your kid's weight in pounds.
  2. Check the concentration on the package and select the correct table beneath.
  3. Look at the weight-based Tylenol dosages in the charts beneath.
  4. Apply the syringe or dosing cup that came with your medication and measure out your child's dose.

Check with your child'southward healthcare provider to make sure yous know the correct dose to give.

Infant Tylenol Dosing

If you are using Infants' Tylenol Oral Intermission (with a concentration of 160 mg per 5 ml) the correct dosages by weight are indicated in the chart below.

There are too other formulations of infant acetaminophen with different concentrations, and dosing would be different if you are using a dissimilar concentration.

Baby Tylenol Doses by Weight
 half-dozen to 11 pounds  i.25ml  40mg
 12 to 17 pounds  2.5ml  80mg
 18 to 23 pounds  3.75ml  120mg
The dosages are provided in both milliliters (ML) and milligrams (MG)

In the United States, the Tylenol label does not provide weight-based dosing for children nether the age of 2 years old. Instead, it is recommended that you ask your provider.

Child Tylenol Dosing

If y'all are using Children's Tylenol Suspension Liquid (with a concentration of 160 mg per v ml) the correct dosages by weight are indicated in the chart below.

Child Tylenol Dosing by Weight
 24 to 35 pounds  5ml  160mg
 36 to 47 pounds  seven.5ml  240mg
 48 to 59 pounds  10ml  320mg
 60 to 71 pounds  12.5ml  400mg
 72 to 95 pounds  15ml  480mg
 Over 96 pounds  20ml  640mg
The dosages are provided in both milliliters (ML) and milligrams (MG)

Maximum Dose

Children 6 to xi years: 325 mg every 4 to 6 hours; maximum daily dose: 1,625 mg/day.

Children ≥12 years and Adolescents:

  • Regular force : 650 mg every 4 to 6 hours; maximum daily dose: 3,250 mg/day unless directed by a physician; under physician supervision daily doses ≤4,000 mg may exist used.
  • Extra strength :one,000 mg every half-dozen hours; maximum daily dose: 3,000 mg/day unless directed by a physician; under physician supervision daily doses ≤four,000 mg may exist used.
  • Extended-release: i,300 mg every 8 hours; maximum daily dose: three,900 mg/day.

Do not use for more than 5 days unless directed by a md.

Standardized Tylenol Dosing for Children

The standard dosage for liquid Tylenol is 160 milligrams (mg) per 5 milliliters (ml).

Nonetheless, information technology also comes In dissimilar concentrations, so always make sure you lot check the concentration on the box.

Your provider or pediatrician is the all-time person to ask about which Tylenol dose is prophylactic and constructive for your child. Information technology'due south actually a good idea to ask them about it at your child'due south side by side check-up—that way, you'll know for sure before your child gets sick.

What to Know Before You Give Your Child Tylenol

All caregivers should know and sympathise the risks of giving children Tylenol. Here are a few central points to recollect:

  • Do not give Tylenol to infants under 12 weeks of age without talking to your healthcare provider or pediatrician. If your child has pain or fever at this age, they demand immediate medical intendance to find out what's causing information technology rather than at-dwelling symptom handling.
  • Practice not requite children Tylenol doses more often than every 4 to six hours. Practice not requite a child more than five doses of Tylenol in ane twenty-four hour period.
  • When giving liquid acetaminophen products to children, always use the measuring tool that came with the product. Kitchen teaspoons are non an authentic dosing tool.
  • Shake the bottle well before preparing your kid'due south dose.
  • Always double-cheque the medication and the dose on the bottle. Make sure that you lot have measured the medicine correctly.
  • Do not use Tylenol with any other product that also has acetaminophen in it. If you double up past mistake information technology could lead to a Tylenol overdose. Check the labels of all OTC products that you give your child.
  • Follow the manufacturer'due south warnings on the label of the production you use. For instance, the label might tell you to call your provider if your child's "hurting gets worse or lasts more than than five days" or if their "fever gets worse or lasts more three days."
  • Acquire how to calculate the dosage of Tylenol for infants and toddlers who are under 24 pounds. The drug label only lists dosages for older kids who weigh at least 24 pounds and are 2 years onetime.

When to Call Poisonous substance Control

Telephone call Poison Control if y'all have given too much Tylenol to your child or have given them the next dose too soon. Call up that more is not better when it comes to taking medicines similar Tylenol.

Other Forms of Tylenol for Children

In addition to Tylenol Oral Suspension liquid for infants and children, in that location are other forms of Tylenol for children over the age of two years. The dosing instructions volition be on the label of each product.

  • Children's Tylenol Chewable Tablets: 160 mg per tablet
  • Children's Tylenol Dissolve Pulverisation Packs: 160 mg per packet


When and how to give Tylenol to your child can be confusing, particularly if you've never had to practise it before.

The instructions for giving Tylenol to your child will often be correct on the product'southward characterization.

However, if your child is younger than 2, y'all won't find this information on the product. Instead, you lot'll have to talk to your healthcare provider. They can explain how weight-based dosing is used to effigy out how much Tylenol is safe to give your child.

Verywell Health uses simply high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts inside our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more almost how nosotros fact-cheque and continue our content authentic, reliable, and trustworthy.

  1. American Academy of Pediatrics. Acetaminophen dosage table for fever and pain.

  2. American Academy of Pediatrics Acetaminophen dosing tablets for fever and pain In children.

  3. Tylenol. TYLENOL® Dosage for Children'due south & Infants' Medicine.

  4. James L, Sullivan JE, Roberts D. The proper utilise of acetaminophen.Paediatr Child Health. 2011;16(nine):544-547. doi:x.1093/pch/16.9.544

  5. Heard K, Bui A, Mlynarchek SL, et al. Toxicity from repeated doses of acetaminophen in children: assessment of causality and dose in reported cases.Am J Ther. 2014;21(3):174-183. doi:10.1097/MJT.0b013e3182459c53

  6. Contumely EP, Reynolds KM, Burnham RI, Green JL. Medication errors with pediatric liquid acetaminophen after standardization of concentration and packaging improvements. Acad Pediatr. 2018;18(5):563-568. doi:10.1016/j.acap.2018.03.001

  7. Goldman RD. Acetaminophen in children: an old drug with new warnings.Tin can Fam Doc. 2013;59(10):1065-1066.

  8. Pan SD, Zhu LL, Chen M, Xia P, Zhou Q. Weight-based dosing in medication use: what should nosotros know?Patient Prefer Adherence. 2016;ten:549-560. doi:10.2147/PPA.S103156

Past Vincent Iannelli, MD
Vincent Iannelli, Medico, is a board-certified pediatrician and fellow of the American University of Pediatrics. Dr. Iannelli has cared for children for more than than 20 years.

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